1924 Artists' Charity Fund <<-- : -->> 1926 Child Welfare Issue
Because of inflation, on 1st March 1925 the krone was replaced by the Schilling,
the exchange rate being 1 schilling = 10000 kronen.
A set of 20 stamps in the new currency was issued on 1st June 1925, with an additional 7 grochen stamp two years later.
The groschen values are perf.12, while the schilling values are perf.12½.
1 groschen grey.
8 groschen green.
The above design was used for all the low values up to 8 groschen
15 groschen claret. Plains
20 groschen deep violet. Golden Eagle.
1 schilling yellowish green. Minorite Church, Vienna.
This is an interesting set as two quite different designs were used, with duplication of values and an apparently random order. This is because they were
issued in three groups, in each of which the lower values had the Airman type and the higher the Crane type.
1 August 1925: Airman: 2,5,6 and 8g; Stork:10,15,30 and 50g, 1 and 2s
7 September 1926: Airman: 10,15,30 and 50g; Stork: 3,5 and 10s
18 June 1930: Airman: 20,25 and 80g
The stamps are all perf.12½.
2 groschen grey-brown.
20 groschen brown.
80 groschen green.
10 groschen orange.
30 groschen deep purple.
5 schilling indigo.
10 schilling deep brown on grey paper.
1924 Artists' Charity Fund <<-- : -->> 1926 Child Welfare Issue
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Copyright reserved by the author, Tony Clayton
v2 19th March 2020